Water and Power Law Group PC advises clients before litigation or regulatory proceedings and in private contract negotiations.
We subscribe to the principle: "if you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there." We analyze strategic options to achieve a client’s interests. We are committed to clear thinking and straight talk, understanding that the client’s decision for resources management will have long-term consequences. We walk our talk, implementing that decision and, as necessary, helping to adjust strategy in the face of the inevitable changes in circumstances.
WPLG's strategic counsel services also extend to international water, power and fisheries law matters. In early 2016 WPLG's Paul Stanton Kibel was retained by the International Association of Water Lawyers (AIDA) to co-author a new guidebook for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on The Greening of Water Law. Kibel was responsible for the portion of the guidebook on dams, fisheries and ecosystems in transboundary watersheds. Kibel has expanded his contribution to the UNEP publication into an full-length law review article (titled Damage to Fisheries by Dams: The Interplay Between International Water Law and International Fisheries Law)