WPLG Attorneys Paul Kibel and Julie Gantenbein Author New Guidebook on SGMA and Fisheries
In August 2018, the Center on Urban Environmental Law (CUEL) at Golden Gate University School of Law released a new guidebook entitled: Rivers That Depend on Aquifers: Drafting SGMA Groundwater Plans with Fisheries in Mind. The guidebook was authored by WPLG attorneys, Paul Kibel and Julie Gantenbein, with assistance from WPLG staff, Emma Roos-Collins and Tiffany Poovaiah. It reviews the provisions of the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) that pertain to regulation of interconnected surface water and groundwater, and describes analytical approaches to addressing the impacts of groundwater pumping on fisheries that are dependent on interconnected surface water flows. Paul Kibel, who also directs CUEL and teaches water law at GGU, will be presenting on the guidebook for a panel at the California Water Law Symposium in San Francisco in January 2019. WPLG looks forward to working with stakeholders in developing Groundwater Sustainability Plans that provide sustainable groundwater supply and are protective of fisheries and other instream uses. Please contact Paul Kibel, pskibel@waterpowerlaw.com, or Julie Gantenbein, jgantenbein@waterpowerlaw.com, for further information.